Friday, May 23, 2014

Toy Moving

One of Blake's favorite things to do recently is to move almost every toy he has out of the toy room! It gets to be quite the mess sometimes but it keeps him entertained for well over an hour! So I'll let him make a mess :) 
This is how his toys start out.....
Next, he loads them into a dump truck and moves them load by load, (which is quite a few loads) to the other room. This time they were around the furnace :)
Once he has them there he decides to load them back up and load by load he takes them to......
The back door! But to dump them he had to move the blue rug that is piled in the picture and all our shoes :) 

The finished pile.... I guess he didn't want anyone leaving or coming into the house :) 

 Oh the things this boy does....

Friday, May 16, 2014

Sleeping beauty

Brooke loves to be cuddled all up when she sleeps. Blake was exactly the opposite when he was little! So we are enjoying our baby that likes to snuggle! Here are some random pictures that I've taken of our little snuggler :) 

All bundled up at the hospital. 
Being outside on a 85 degree day I didn't cover her up :) she got plenty sweaty without a blanket on! 
When the house gets hot I cover part of her up, she sleeps better when she is 

bundled up at least some! 
Helping me edit wedding pictures yesterday didn't excite her too much :)
She also likes to hang on to something, today it is her burp cloth, yesterday it was the string of my sweatshirt hood :)

She really likes being in the carrier! Thankfully I think I have only used it maybe 2 times in the house so far!! 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


We love this little girl more and more each day! We are starting to get a few smiles out of her! A couple mornings ago I just happened to catch every part of her smile so I thought I would share :)

Not sure why but I happen to think she is the cutest little girl ever :) 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Brooke Lee Earney

Brooke joined our family on Monday April 7th at 5:21 in the afternoon. Her due date was the 1st so she was a week late. I went into the hospital at 7 am to be induced. I got hooked up to all the monitors, got my iv in and we were ready to go! The nurses told me that they had to monitor Brooke's heart beat for 30 minutes before Dr. Louck (our family doctor) could put me on any induction medicine. About a half hour passed so we were hoping I would be started soon.  We waited a little while longer then a nurse came in and explained that I needed to be taken off my monitors. Another patient had came in and she needed them. Turns out they have 2 delivery rooms and 3 patients. One was there when we got there, she was induced in Sunday night, so she had medication in her so she couldn't be taken off her monitors.  Don't they have a back up monitor?! Yep, it wasn't working :( The patient that came in was having regular contractions, I wasn't. Since I was having no contractions and wasn't on any medication I was the lucky patient that had to wait :) So we sat, and sat, got kinda frustrated, sat some more and sat some more :) Finally we were updated. The lady that took my monitor was scheduled for a c-section the next morning, on Tuesday. Her baby was breech. Since she was in labor they were going to do the c-section as soon as they could. So once that was done we would be able to get a monitor back because she wouldn't need it. So around noon I finally got my monitor back!! Yes we sat there since 7 am without anything happening beside a very painful iv that was in my arm with nothing attached to it :) Now I had to do the 30 minutes of monitoring Brooke's heart all over :) that passed and the doctor came in. Everything looked good, he put me on cervidil. So I laid on my back for 2 hours without moving. This could do 2 things, one, it could make me have regular contractions or two, it might not do much at all. We were hoping for option one :) It was now about 3 pm. If option 2 happened I would have to wait 4 hours before they could start pitocin. Thankful my body listened to me and I was starting to have regular contractions! They were starting to get pretty painful so I asked for some pain medicine through my iv. Not much longer after that and Brooke was in my arms. I went faster than any if the nurses thought I was going to and Dr. Louck about missed it :) He has an office across town from the hospital and was there taking care of his patients when they called him and told him he better come quick. He said he had two more patients to see for the day then he would be there. The nurses told him if you do that you will miss it all. So he came and was in my room for about 1 minute before I started pushing. I only had to push two times and she was out, so he barely made it :) So at 5:21 pm our precious baby girl was born. She was 7 lbs 8 1/2 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long.  We were released from the hospital Wednesday evening. 

Daddy and his little princess! 

Blake wasn't too sure about things when he came to the hospital on Monday, this picture was taken on Tuesday. It didn't take him long to start liking her! 

Her coming home outfit! 

On Thursday morning this was Blake's favorite thing to do! He would sit for several minutes at a time and hold and kiss his baby sister. 

Daddy's first time brushing his little girls hair! 

Brooke went on her first tractor ride when she was about 3 weeks old. Daddy was hauling hog manure so when we delivered lunch we rode for a couple trips. Blake thought it was pretty cool to have his sister on a tractor ride as you can tell :) 

Brooke does not lack entertainment around this house!!

My favorite picture of my beautiful baby girl so far!!

Things are going great with 2 kids! Blake loves her so much! He comes running from wherever he is if she is crying for very long. He likes to help me out a lot. He gives her paci to her, he has fed her bottle to her, he covers her back up if her blanket falls off, he makes sure she has toys if she is laying on the floor, and he gives her way more kisses than he gives Tyler or I :) He likes to play on his own a lot during the day so that helps me out a lot! When I feed her bottle to her he likes to sit on my lap and help me or just to enjoy some snuggles with both of us :) Brooke is an excellent baby! She only gets up once every night around 3 am. She started that when she was around a week old. She has spoiled me! She likes to be awake and lay on the floor and look at books or toys. She also likes laying in her swing. I just can't believe it has been almost a month since she joined our family!!