Thursday, March 15, 2012


We have been able to get more pictures of him when he is smiling. We can pretty much get smiles all the time no matter what mood he is in. He is very fun to play with! We have been enjoying this very nice weather. We have went on a couple walks, sat outside and played with Diesel, and Tyler took him on his first 4-wheeler ride this past Sunday (pics will come later). He seems to like the outside, which will be very nice when it comes time to start the garden. Tyler did start tilling it last night and he planted our potatoes and onions. I can't wait to eat the stuff out of the garden!

He loves his Bumbo seat! He sits in it a lot during the day, mostly on the counter while I'm working in the kitchen. 

Playing after a nap. 

This is what I get to see after he wakes up from most of his naps.

In this picture he is actually laughing at Tyler. 

This last picture was taken just a couple of minutes ago when he woke up from a nap. He was all smiles!

Have a marvelous weekend!!

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