Saturday, May 4, 2013

Outside Tour

Since my last blog post, they have gotten 4 fields planted and all the spraying done! Blake has been enjoying planting season already and it just started! He has had several tractor rides in the last couple days :) The field around our house is planted and Blake loved being able to look out the window and see a tractor! He would hear it and run to a window so he could see it.

Here is an updated picture of our chickens, I just took it this morning when I was out feeding and watering them. The 2 chicks on the left of the picture are some of the new 10 we got. They are fitting in very nicely and catching up to the others fast!

I thought since a lot of people haven't seen our house that I would do an outside tour to show you where we live. Sometime when the house is clean I'll have to do an inside tour :)

 As you drive in our lane and look at our house this is what you see. Starting from the right the windows are: the living room, our front door, a big kitchen window above our table, another kitchen window above my sink, then our office/laundry room window, then it is our garage.
Remember my bird poop post? The pipe you can see just to the right of the roof is where our birds were getting in at. We thankfully haven't had any visitors since Tyler put a net around the top! :) You can see Diesel's spot under the porch. We sat on the glider the other evening for a while when Blake was playing with Diesel and it was very relaxing!!
 I was standing on the road when I took this picture. So you can see how close we are to it. The window on the left is our kitchen table window. The double window in the center is our living room. Then the window on the right is our toy room window. And you can also see Blake's room window above the living room one.
 This is the back side of our house. Blake's room and the toy room windows are what is on the left. The big window is another window in the toy room. The window that is hard to see is Tyler and I's bedroom window. And you can see Tyler's shop off in the distance.
 After I took the above picture of the house I just turned around and took a picture of our back yard. It is very big :) It is nice for riding 4-wheelers! You can see a red semi on the interstate in the background. You can kind of also see all the little trees that Tyler planted if you look close :) They go all the way around the 2 sides of this yard. Tyler also cut down a lot of big pine trees that were in the clump of them on the right of the picture. Even though the interstate is so close we don't hardly hear it. There is one bump that if an empty semi goes over it we hear it :) It sounds like a shot gun going off sometimes. But that is about all we hear any more. We got used to it pretty quick.
 The window on the left is another one of Tyler and I's bedroom windows. The window that is upstairs is our spare bedroom window. The 2 windows under that are bathroom windows. The one that is closer to the bedroom window is Tyler and I's bathroom then the other bathroom is off our kitchen. The next little window is in the office/laundry room. Then it is our garage door that leads to our nice new deck!! Tyler got the side boards put on it last night and we have spindles for the middle ordered! I will post a new picture when we get it all finished!
 This is another view of our back yard from the deck. Once our new evergreen trees get bigger we will cut down the rest of the pine trees that we left standing.
 This is Tyler's shop. He landscaped around it earlier this year and it looks very nice! It has been very nice to have this shop!!
 This is just to show what all is at our place. The green shed on the left is where our chickens are at. There is also some farm equipment in there. Then a grain bin set up. Tyler's shop and the house. In between the bins and Tyler's shop you can see a big pile, that pile is the pine trees that Tyler cut down :)

 This is a close up of our deck. I was standing in the garage door when I took it.

Hopefully this helps people get an idea of what our house is like. We really enjoy living here and it is nice to have a big yard for Blake to play in! If you haven't been here to personally see it you are welcome to come any time! :)

And since any blog post wouldn't be complete without a picture of he is helping Tyler pick up rocks before the planter comes through. He has a little one in his left hand :) He caught on really quick what to do! He just doesn't pick up very big ones yet :)

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