Friday, February 15, 2013

1st Haircut!!

On January 30th we gave Blake his first haircut. His hair has always been really blonde and never really seemed like he had very much because it was hard to see. It was thin to start out with but by the time we cut it, it was pretty think and a couple inches long :) He had a curl in the back that we didn't want to cut because we thought it was really cute :) But now that we cut it off....looking back it wasn't so cute :)
Here are some pictures of his hair before we cut it!
This is what he would look like after waking up in the morning :)

The curl that was thought was so cute.

Some of the hair was down to his eyebrows, you just can't see it :)

nap head, as you can see....he needed a hair cut about a month before we gave him one :)

Close up of the curl

I spiked his hair this way on purpose to show its length :) It was getting pretty long!!
He was excited to get his hair cut, he even helped daddy get the clippers ready.

The first "path" through :) He sat really good for a while....

Not looking too happy about getting his hair cut :)

.....then he wanted on the floor and I had to hold him to get it cut :)
After we were all done :) It looks SO much better! :)
His hat head after it was cut :) A lot better than before it was cut!!
It took us a little while to get used to the short haired Blakey but we like it now. He looks much older than he did before. The curl hasn't came back but that's ok :) I saved it for the scrapbook so if I am ever wanting it back I can look at it remember why we took it off :) 

1 comment:

  1. We liked his "cute curl" too. However, he's past the "cute curl" stage and looks like a handsome little man with his new cut.
