Sunday, May 20, 2012

Everywhere and Everything

Blake sure likes to use his new crawling skills to get into everything! And he goes everywhere! The bathroom seems to be his most favorite spot to go. If we don't keep the door shut you can probably find him in there playing with the rug or tangled up in the shower curtain. When the door is not shut and we see him crawling to the bathroom we shut it and sometimes that results in an unhappy crying Blake. But he is a lot more content now that he can get places on his own. He is keeping us busy and is a lot of fun to play with.

He is starting to pull himself up on things.
His favorite spot....the bathroom!

Playing with daddy's shoes. He really likes doing this, he sat in this spot and switched from shoe to shoe for probably 45 minutes. Daddy had some pretty soggy shoe strings when he was done! :)

On the move to somewhere else!

His first pond experience!! The water was really cold so he cried the first time we stuck his feet in but the more his feet were in, the more he liked it. He started splashing water with his hands by the time we were done. But we did not stay in to long since the water was really cold. Hopefully there will be more pond time this summer when the water is warm!

Have a wonderful week!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Our little boy is changing everyday! He is now crawling and sitting up on his own. He is also has a lot of fun blowing bubbles. He makes Tyler and I laugh all the time with his goofy faces and his actions. He still loves his Jumparoo and is in it several times a day. He can get moving pretty fast in that thing which makes him very fun to watch. He is eating baby food several times a day now and will eat almost anything we give him. He went in for his 6 month checkup on Tuesday even though is isn't quite 5 1/2 months. He was 26 1/2 inches long and weighed 17 pounds 5.5 ounces. Dr. Jencks said his ears were a little pink so he is on Amoxicillin for 10 days. Even though he may be a little sick he is still very happy and smiles all the time!
Playing with Molly the monkey.
Cuddling with Molly while Tyler and I fried chicken for supper tonight. And we did not put her there, he did :)
One of his goofy faces he makes.
My 2 most favorite people on this Earth! I also think they are the 2 cutest! :)

Have a good weekend!!